
Tickets Bought!

Today we bought our tickets and officially booked the trip!
We'll be updating this blog along the way, so remember to subscribe (I think you just click "follow") to get updates.

Here's the itinerary:
Sept 1: start our cross-country drive to get Lola to MI (a million thanks to MaryBeth and Kevin for "adopting" her for 6 months!)
Sept 12: to Frankfurt, Germany (Oktoberfest, woop!!)
Sept 21: to Dubai for a day/night
Sept 22: to Capetown, South Africa
Oct 10: from Johannesburg, SA to Delhi, India. Will take an overland trip from India to Nepal and back.
Nov 4: from Kolkata to Bangkok, Thailand. From Bangkok we'll travel overland to Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Might also go to Singapore and Malaysia, time depending. From there, overland to China. We'll probably spend Christmas in Vietnam and NYE in Hong Kong.
Jan 12: from Beijing to Tokyo
Jan 19: from Tokyo to Melbourne, Australia
Feb 16: from Melbourne to Auckland, New Zealand
Mar 11: from Auckland to Papeete, Tahiti
Mar 16: Tahiti to LA, LA to Chicago.
and then the long drive back to SF.
We'll miss everyone but are very excited to start this journey! Thanks for following along.


  1. woa daddy-o! Sounds adventurous, fun and down right excellent!! Can't wait to read about it.

  2. Jenn, I can't figure out how to "follow" your blog, help! I'm new to this blogging.

  3. I'm not 100% positive, I just keep a list on my blog and as people update it puts it to the top of the list, but at the top section of the blogs there's a bar that has words like: Follow Share Report Abuse and Next Blog. If you click on follow on mine I believe it puts you as a follower... but i'm not sure what that means.. maybe you'll get email updates when I update? that's all I know... i'm not really savy at this blog thing, I just type and post. (c:

  4. I'm looking forward to living vicariously through you from Jan. 19th to Feb. 16th! Hell, who am I kidding...I will for your whole trip! BE SAFE!!!
